Cake Sale Success
Neighbourhood Cake Sale raises over £300

We chose Saturday 2 October for our second neighbourhood cake sale on Centurion Place. Sadly, Allison Purkiss and I realised that we have an uncanny knack of choosing the day on which we are going to have the worst possible weather for the time of year.

Last year’s sale was held in our gardens in a bitterly cold northerly wind in late September. This year was to prove even worse! Next year we might choose a date in the spring.
Cakes sold well despite the weather
We set up our stall under a gazebo by the play area on Churchill Avenue. All dressed up for winter we were determined to carry on. We had the full intention of selling as much cake as possible before we got soaked in the ever worsening rain.
A huge thank you to all who baked the delicious fare. Some folk had tried their hand for the first time with really impressive results. In exchange for goodies people donated money to support the work of local charity, The Well.

The cake sale was an excellent opportunity to meet some of our newer neighbours. We also benefitted from ‘passing trade’ people out walking now that the path is open from Harcourt Grove to Centurion Place.
Things went really well after our two hour stint on the Saturday morning. So, we resumed on a much sunnier Sunday afternoon for a further hour and finished up with a grand total of £344.95. The Well is the recipient of our donations.

It was great to see so many people all pulling together to support a good cause, giving of their time and resources. Despite the weather it was a great event (character building!) and an especially good way to meet neighbours and their families. Well done and thank you to all.
Karen Goss