Kibworth Benefice Services Update October 2021

We are happy to once again offer a full schedule of services at our three churches; Kibworth, Saddington and Smeeton Westerby. You can find a service to suit your needs from Traditional Communion and Modern Worship through to our fun ‘express’ service for young families on the first Sunday of the month.
Our 10am Thursday Communion service will be moving to the Church Hall from October 14, with the opportunity to stay for refreshments afterwards. Our children’s Sunday clubs are running again. Whilst our ‘New Mums on a Monday’ and Friday ‘Sparklers’ groups have also resumed. Everyone is welcome, so why not come and see what we have to offer?
Maybe you have a skill you could bring, such as helping with refreshments, flower arranging or welcoming? We would love to hear from you.
Did you know that people in the parish pray for the homes in every street in the Kibworth Benefice on a specific day each month? You may already have received a note through your door letting you know. If you have a particular need or concern, or if you would like more information about the Christian faith or local church activities, please contact the Church Office on (0116) 279 6577 or email:
Forthcoming Special Services
All Souls Service at St Wilfrid’s Church
Tuesday 2 November at 7.30pm
Is a special service to remember with sadness and thanksgiving our loved ones who have died.
If you cannot attend but would like the name/names of your loved ones to be read out in the service please contact the Church Office:
Remembrance Day Service
Sunday 14 November
A short outdoor service will take place at St Wilfrid’s, Kibworth, following the parade from the village centre.
Wreaths will be laid and the names of the fallen read, followed by the National Anthem. More details to follow on St Wilfrid’s website.
Please visit our website for more details of all our services: