Kibworth Community Library

Friendship and chocolate cake – they do not heal all ills but they certainly help.”
Theodora Goss

Our coffee, cake and conversation returned this month and we are so happy that it has. If you have recently moved to the area, it is a wonderful way to meet new people in Kibworth. It is open to all ages and everybody is made to feel very welcome. The cakes are baked by two of our lovely volunteers and are absolutely delicious. It is free of charge, but donations are very welcome. The next one is on Wednesday 3 November from 2 – 5pm. Please come along.
We celebrated National Libraries’ Week earlier in October. This recognises the best that UK libraries of all kinds have to offer. The focus in 2021 was on the role of libraries in supporting active and engaged communities. Here at Kibworth Community Library we are proud of all that we do to reach out to the local community to make a positive impact on people’s lives. We are so much more than a lending library now. We are truly a ‘community’ library.
From Monday 1 November we are really excited to be back to our pre-pandemic opening hours. Please see the times below. Don’t forget we are now open on Thursday mornings to give you even more time to browse.

We have a Book Sale on Saturday 13 November from 10am – 12pm. There are also some festive Chocolate Oranges for sale. It is never too early to buy chocolate!
Please check out our website for more information about what’s happening in the library.
Here is our October / November calendar of events for you: