Kibworth Ladies Choir
KLC are back!
Kibworth Ladies Choir are finally singing again! As with many choirs and musical groups, the pandemic put a very sudden and unexpected halt to our regular choir practice with our last meeting on 9 March 2020. The friendship and bond we have as a choir have however made us stronger and helped support each other throughout the last 18 months. We have met a couple of times over Zoom by celebrating VE Day and Christmas and singing some of our old favourites. But nothing can compare to the excitement and anticipation we all felt when given the green light that we were finally allowed to meet up and sing as a choir once again.
And so Kibworth Ladies’ Choir are back and already three rehearsals in. We have come back stronger and with renewed energy. Singing is simply great fun. It puts a smile on our faces, even after a hard day. We have missed the camaraderie, seeing our friends and singing our favourite songs together.
It’s about time – we’ve been apart for too long! It’s brilliant to make that KLC sound again
Members Andrea and Mandy
We’ve really missed seeing our friends, it’s like therapy being back with the ladies finally singing together
Members Liz and Sally
Louise Jones, founder of the choir summed up her feelings of being back, and the feelings of many of us “It is lovely to hear our sound again, and to see everyone so happy to be back”.
Save the date
For us as choir members, that sense of being part of a community is also a driving force in everything we do. From singing carols at local care homes at Christmas to standing on stage at our annual music concert at The Grammar School Hall. With that in mind, we would like you to save the date – Sunday 12 December for our planned early evening Christmas Concert. As we have always done in the past, proceeds raised at our concerts are for charity. Look out for further details of our concert in next month’s issue.
Search for us on facebook and follow us on twitter @kibworthladieschoir
Jo Cole