News from Smeeton Westerby
Macmillan coffee morning
Our Macmillan coffee morning proved to be a great success making £485 for this excellent cause. The village hall was transformed into a charming café with round tables decorated with vases of flowers beautifully created by Nicola Hopkinson. Busily making the tea and coffee, and of course serving the obligatory cakes, were Philippa Britten and Jacqui Taylor. I had the lovely job of being host and welcoming everyone as they arrived.
The raffle was expertly run by Kevin Gilbert and Mike Britten. It offered many excellent prizes donated by the generous businesses of Kibworth. Thank you to The Lighthouse, ‘O’ Hair and Beauty, Bridge 67 Butchers, Louise Faye Hair, Nails and Beauty, The Beauty Room, Julian’s Hair Salon, Kibworth Book Shop and Mon Amie. There were also many generous donations from the residents of Smeeton. Add to that a tombola, (who can resist a tombola?), and several stalls. There was plenty to entertain our visitors.

Harvest supper
The following Friday was our Harvest Supper. The hall was full to capacity, the atmosphere was buzzing and the supper delicious. We served lasagne with salad and French bread, followed by a variety of delicious homemade desserts. Then came the entertainment from Byron and Sonja Greenhow. All of their songs were beautifully performed, some being very poignant to our times, whilst others made us really smile and even laugh, especially when members of the audience were asked to become the backing group for the song ‘Ooh Bi Doo” from the Jungle Book. Once again, the profit we made went to Charity, this time The Well in Kibworth.
Having enjoyed our supper, on the Sunday we celebrated our Harvest Festival in Christ Church, which was gleaming as the walls had recently been scrubbed and bleached by members of the PCC. The service, led by Rev Ludger, attracted a large congregation, many bearing gifts that were presented during the service. Refreshments were served at the end, which included freshly baked bread and jams, homemade by Liz Vickers.

Christmas Fair
The next date for your diaries is our Christmas Fair on Saturday 27 November, 2.00 – 4.30pm when Father Christmas will be paying us a visit. For those not wishing to see him, you can always enjoy the mulled wine and mince pies and the other refreshments on offer. Once again there will be stalls etc. to tempt you!
James Buxton
On a very sad note, our Village Hall committee lost one of its very dear members recently. James Buxton was a wonderful man who gave so much to the village of Smeeton Westerby and beyond. He had been our treasurer for many years and his departing is a very sad loss that has left a big hole in our hearts. Our thoughts and prayers go out to his family.
Janet Lord