Illston-on-the-Hill WI November 2021 update

It was such a momentous occasion when Illston on the Hill WI met in October for the very first proper WI meeting this year. We decided to keep it low key. So we enjoyed a very sociable evening with a ‘when we were young’ quiz. We all took a photograph of ourselves as a child. I wonder if there was a reason for all the photographs being black and white! One or two of our ladies didn’t seem to have changed much, but as I only got 3 correct (one being myself,) I think we can confirm most of us had altered – for the better of course. We also had a sales table and items were bought and sold at very minimal prices.
On November 11 at 7.30pm, we have a representative from the Body Shop coming to talk to us and bring lots of products, just in time for Christmas. This is an open meeting and visitors will be most welcome.
We have a very special meeting in December – more of this next month! In the meantime, thank you to all of you who read our news. Take care.
Jane Shute