Kibworth Creatives Choir

Kibworth Creatives Choir are now well under way with our rehearsals for our upcoming debut performance in December (details to be confirmed in the next issue!) and are very excited to announce that we will be merging the Crochet and Quavers choir into one big mega choir for all children and teens aged 8-16!
Rehearsals will remain at the earlier time of 3.40 – 4.30pm, every Thursday at Kibworth Grammar School Hall. We will be looking into timings for the new year alongside our rebranding so if you know of a young person wanting to join but can’t make that particular time please let us know! All singers aged 8-16 are welcome regardless of experience from beginners to advanced.
We are now looking in particular for teenagers to join the Kibworth Creatives Choir. Singing in groups boosts mood, well-being, self-esteem and confidence as well as developing perseverance and listening skills. Does this sound like something your teen could benefit from? If so, please contact Helen Collins for more information at