Kilby WI

Prior to lockdown our meetings were held in Kilby School Hall. Following lockdown the Committee reluctantly agreed we must seek a new venue and conceded there was nowhere in Kilby. To get the members together again, we organised an afternoon tea party at the Fleckney Band Hall. We all sat out on a glorious August afternoon and had a wonderful time. We realised what a superb location it would be, so we are now holding our meetings there on the third Tuesday of the month at 7.30pm.
Quiz and Magic
In September we held a quiz night. For October our speaker was Bishop Peter Fox, a member of the Magic Circle and Inner Circle. He gave a fascinating and amusing talk about magic dating back to 2500 BC. We saw the cups and balls trick. It has been performed in many countries with different versions over the years, and is still performed today. Having enjoyed regular visits to the Curve Theatre, in October we went to see ‘Hairspray.’ We are now looking forward to the exciting Curve 2022 programme.
Every year we have coach trips scheduled in May and October when we also invite visitors. We have visited many interesting locations in the past. In October we had a very pleasant day in Newark.
Our Annual General Meeting will take place in November. This December we are going out for Christmas lunch followed by a visit to the Curve Theatre, at night, to see ‘Chorus Line’. This is unusual and will replace our usual Dinner.
Our speaker in January will be David Kimmins, with a talk entitled, ‘A Trip Down Tin Pan Alley.’ In February we will be attempting Scottish singing and dancing with our speaker, Gill Mouncer. Visitors and prospective new members are always welcome.
If you have any queries or wish to join us in any of our activities, please contact Ann Stuart on (0116) 2402514
or Monica Griffiths on (0116) 2796073
Ann Stuart