Successful Macmillan Coffee Morning at Shangton
Could I say a huge thankyou to all the generous people who supported our Macmillan Coffee Morning in Shangton on Saturday 25 September.
Being a small community and our first time of hosting such an event, we tentatively set a target of £400. We were, therefore, absolutely amazed and delighted to raise £1,050.
It really was a great event, the sun shone and people arrived in droves. Many delicious cakes were donated, bought and eaten. Oh, and the sink sprang a leak to add to the excitement!
We are planning on making this an annual event, maybe next year we will raise even more money.
Thank you once again to family, friends and neighbours for your support. It really is much appreciated.
Nicola Packham and Jill Davies
Shangton is a small village, nestling among picturesque countryside. Surrounding villages include Tur Langton & Stonton Wyville.

For more information on our village please see the following websites: