Say No to ASB

Campaign launch
Antisocial behaviour (ASB) incidents have increased over the last three years. Police forces, councils and housing associations are reporting significant spikes in ASB cases. These are not minor incidents. Instead, they are complex and serious cases causing real harm to many people.
45% of people say ASB is a problem where they live. 56% of those who had either been a victim of or a witness to ASB did not report it to anyone. *
To help tackle the issue, we are running a campaign encouraging people to ‘SAY NO TO ASB’.
The campaign will run from 25 October to 21 November on our social channels. There is key information on recognising, recording, reporting ASB on our website:
We are running a free online ‘SAY NO TO ASB’ webinar on 15 November at 5pm with the charity ASB Help as part of the campaign. Places are limited so to book your place, visit:
How to support the campaign
Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram . Share our posts to your social channels, including WhatsApp community groups, to encourage more people to SAY NO TO ASB
Download our ‘Recognising, Recording and Reporting ASB Guide’ from to share with your community
Additionally, download our 14-day ‘ASB Diary’ from to support you in recognising, recording, and reporting ASB incidents in your area.
To find out more and SAY NO TO ASB, visit
Finally, if you would like a digital campaign pack, please email
* Data source: Taking Back our Communities – Working Together to make Communities Safer Report, commissioned in 2021 by RESOLVE, a Centre of Excellence solely focused upon community safety and antisocial behaviour.
Cheryl Spruce
NWN, Head of Membership and Community Engagement, National
Neighbourhood Watch Network, Central Support Team
Neighbourhood Watch Network is a charity registered in England & Wales, CIO no: 1173349