Jack and the Beanstalk

How long does it take to grow a beanstalk?
I mean one that is at least 14 feet high (before it meets the clouds,) with a girth of around 24 inches? I’m talking seriously now. I would think some considerable time, involving a lot of expertise and pints of Miracle Gro Plant food.
Want to know a secret? Come and see Jack and the Beanstalk and you’ll witness the magic of Pantomime when a beanstalk, (strong enough to support young Jack – a silly but ultimately brave lad,) will grow, twinkling in magic, before your very eyes!
Tickets cost £5 for matinees and £6 for evening performances that are taking place on
Saturday 22 January at 2.30 and 7.30, (Sunday 23 January at 2.30 – now sold out), Friday 28 January at 7.30pm
Saturday 29 January at 2.30 and 7.30.

We are following all government guidelines and therefore, unless medically exempt or a child, masks should be worn at all times in the Grammar School Hall, and throughout the performance. We have limited the audience numbers this year and would ask that people respect distancing when moving around the auditorium. Cast and crew will be lateral flow testing and we would love our audiences to follow suit, prior to attending, so we can all enjoy happy but safe experiences.
See you there!
Mary J Orton (on behalf of Last Minute Theatre)