Kibworth Osteopath & Pilates

Good News and S.M.A.R.T. Goals
Happy New Year to you all!
I hope you had a joyous Christmas and you’re feeling refreshed for 2022!
Osteopath of the year 2021/22
I am delighted to share with you all that for the second year running I have been announced as Osteopath of the year 2021/2022 by Central England Prestige Awards.
I would like to take the opportunity to thank you all for your support and trust.
I love every aspect of my job, and helping you reach your goals is a privilege and such a joy.
Set goals for January and beyond
January is often a time for goal setting, so I thought I would offer some top tips for those of you setting physical goals for your health and body. Both in the clinic and with my Pilates clients I use S.M.A.R.T. Goals – and they work well.
S.M.A.R.T. breaks down into:
S – Specific – streamline your goal.
M – Measurable – how are you going to measure your achievements? I recommend a stepping stone approach – you may need to achieve ‘smaller goals’ to reach your ‘end goal’.
A – Achievable – make your goal attainable not impossible.
R – Realistic – Be aware of your limitations – failure to do this could lead to injury.
T – Time- based – over what time scale do you want to achieve your goal? Bigger challenges often have more steps on the way – allow yourself the time! If you are working to a specific date, make sure you have a schedule – this also boosts your morale as you achieve the steps on the way to the end goal.
Having goals or a plan has been proven to help maintain focus and help us achieve the goal.
Be it walking unaided round the block or running a marathon, I am here to help you reach those goals.
Hands-on treatments
With hands-on treatments, tailor made exercise programmes, over 12 years of experience, and a refusal to see you quit; I will be by your side every step of the way, encouraging you and celebrating with you when you smash it!
For more information on S.M.A.R.T. goals please visit where you will find a Blog on this topic.
Emily Coombes – Registered Osteopath (7416)
Kibworth Osteopaths & Pilates
07761664325 — — The Manor, Tur Langton, LE8 0PJ, Leicester.