Monthly Health and Wellbeing Drop-In

Working with Healthcare experts
Cross Counties Healthcare PCN have been working closely with The Well for the last two years. Our relationship started at the beginning of the first lockdown when many of the vulnerable patients registered at the local GP practices were struggling with issues such as loneliness, isolation, needing help with accessing food, fetching shopping, prescriptions etc.
This is where the wonderful volunteers that work with The Well stepped up to help.
New Drop In Sessions on Thursday
Since then we have continued to work to support The Well by providing a new Drop In Support Session once a month on the first Thursday. Local residents and visitors to The Well can meet and talk with representatives of the PCN about their non-medical support needs.
These sessions will be manned by members of the PCN Health and Wellbeing team who will be able to signpost to suitable services locally and offer information.
Jenny Curtin
Health and Wellbeing Team Lead Social Prescribing Link Worker