Kibworth Theatre/Main Street Theatre

Kibworth Theatre Company
Main Street Theatre Company
Allo Allo
May 13/14/20/21
Rehearsals Continue
Rehearsals are continuing for our May production of Allo Allo, with the cast embracing the challenges of rehearsals as enthusiastically as Rene embraces his serving girls, Mimi and Yvette.
Find out what’s shocking …
Kevin Gilbert, director is very pleased with the way things are going and said that he cannot remember being involved in a production when so many cast members knew their lines at such an early stage of rehearsal. Pictured here are Stuart Weston and Sharon Foster who play Captain Bertorelli and Helga Geerhart, they both look as if they have seen something shocking, to find out what it is you will have to come to the production.
Janet Gilbert, Chair Main Street Theatre Co.
Martyn Wyburn, Chair Kibworth Theatre Co.