Fleckney Spinners Table Tennis Club

We continue to make progress in the Leicester League. Valuable experience against a great variety of players was gained by many, even if the match was lost.
There were notable victories for Nick Wyche, Dillon Kearney, Jan Nix, Ian Prentice, Andy Haddon and James Robertson, among others.
Popular club with new members
The club is growing exponentially, and we now have 34 members, half of whom play in the League and half of whom play socially.
Until Easter, there is a regular club night on Mondays from 5.15 – 6.45pm, as well as an extra one on Wednesday, 30 March from 7.15pm till 9.30pm.
Playing Monday and Wednesday
After Easter there will be club nights every Monday and Wednesday from 7.15 – 9.30pm. Some of our club members also attend the open sessions at Fleckney Sports Centre on Thursday mornings 9.30 – 11am.
Coaching available too!
Every two weeks, 8-10 people are progressing their table tennis techniques and several are already playing at League level, thanks to our popular club coach Andy Wright, who holds a session on alternate Saturday mornings from 11.15am – 12.45pm at the Sports Centre. The next sessions are on March 19, April 2 , 16 and 30.
Miriam Wohl (07890 950087).