Illston-on-the-Hill WI

Illston on the Hill WI are getting back to normal. Hurrah! Our speaker for the February meeting was our very own member Sue Adams BSc (Hons)MCPod. (Member of the College or Podiatry.)
Who would have thought feet could be so complex and fascinating. Sue handed round cross section models of feet with high arches and flat feet and explained how these would affect our walking and stance. We were shown a skeletal leg and foot and how toes can wrongly be moved under or over each other. Sue demonstrated many ways the toes and feet could be affected by wearing ill fitting shoes and tight socks. Beware folks.
Sue had not moved to ‘questions’ but these were hurled at her thick and fast almost from the outset, some attracted knowledgeable moans and nods of agreement. One member explained how she was the only one with hard skin, soon to be shot down in flames when everyone else cried “me too”. In-growing toe nails were a great source of interest and can often be caused by incorrect nail cutting. When Sue attends a patient, she takes medical details as well as taking a pulse with an ultrasound gadget demonstrated on her own foot. Her pulse rate was very rapid which she put down to excitement.
What a wonderful talk, so enlightening, informative and amusing. My advice to you all is look after your feet, they have a lot to contend with and we rely on them so much. If in doubt call a podiatrist. We left with some soft feet scrub and moisturiser, next time we meet we will all be walking on air.
It was lovely to welcome several visitors for this meeting and we were pleased to enrol two new members. Mary and Mary, no muddle there then. Thank you to the refreshment ladies for tea and lovely cakes. We look forward to our next meeting in March, Crafting with Holly Norvill.
Jane Shute