What’s going on?

Here is an occasional column devoted to certain developments in and around our district which we have noted. (If you see something you would like to bring to the attention of our readers send it to us (via email)
Clarkes of Great Glen Ltd
Clarkes of Great Glen Ltd site on New Road was, at one time, to be demolished and a number of residential properties were to be erected there.(see Outline planning permission 21/00143/OUT). Subsequently under the latest application 22/00038/DEVS “significant internal and external work” is to be carried out “which does not appear to benefit from planning permission”. Rumour and/or speculation suggests it will be a compound for vehicles to be examined by the Forensic department of Leicestershire Police – walking past one notices the 10 foot high razor wire topped fence on one side of the property.
The Old Barn Inn
Interesting to note The Old Barn Inn (pictured) at Glooston, which was featured in this publication back in 2016, is currently being considered for redevelopment as a private dwelling house. (See 21/02019/FUL). This hostelry was previously known as the Bluebell Inn and it stands beside part of the old Gartree Road.

The road when it passes through Glooston village is actually called Bluebell Lane. The original Gartree Road is a former Roman Road (known as Via Devana) that stretched from Chester via Leicester (Ratae in Roman times) to Colchester. The original Via Devana actually links up Watling Street (which we know as the A5) and Ermine Street (the Great North Road or A1). It was an early Roman link road. One of the best parts to enjoy this Roman road in Leicestershire is to walk or drive from Glooston to Cranoe where the views over the Welland Valley below are spectacular.
One wonders how many pubs have closed during Covid never to reopen? The Staff of Life at Mowsley comes to mind.
A look over the brick bridge
A look over the brick bridge onto the railway line you will notice the latest installation. No it’s not the electrification of the line – well, not yet! There are several blue boxes nestling in the ballast (pictured). So what are they?

Diane Cole,Community Relations Executive Team member at Network Rail has told us they “are new open lightweight composite blue drain covers so the drains can easily be inspected without moving heavy slabs and metal grilles.” Perhaps Network Rail are trying to get ahead of any major climate event and flooding in cuttings is one area that is being addressed as part of their ongoing maintenance of the track and associated infrastructure.