Kibworth and District U3A April 2022 update

No longer in full-time work and finished raising a family? Consider joining the Kibworth & District u3a. Our vibrant social hub for learning and fulfilment is a great venue for making friends and having fun.
On the 17 May, at our Third Tuesday Social event, we are delighted to welcome:
“Sing a Century” by: Andy Smith
Venue : Kibworth Grammar School Hall
Back by popular demand – Andy’s talk features songs and instrumentals written and recorded over the last century.
Guess the year
Singing at least one song from each decade – members can try and guess the year, the song, the artist, the musical. There have been some amazing songs written since 1920 – and on this talk he will feature some well-known classics – plus a few long-forgotten gems!
A few other events in May.
Check our website for full details:
Friday 6 May. Walking Group. Castle Ashby. Alan B, Marion B. Long – 6.5, Short – 3. Lunch at the Buttery.
Friday 20 May. Walking Group. Bradgate Park. Colin N. Long – 5, Short – 2.5. Lunch at the, Newtown Linford.
May. Photography. Subject is art in nature. Still have vacancies.
U3A Walking Group
The Kibworth U3A walking group runs walks on the first and third Friday of each month. Four times a year we have a fifth Friday in the month walk and we try to run something farther afield during the summer months when the weather is better.
Walks are organised by members of the group who plan and arrange a lunch stop where possible. Our walks are generally of 5 to 6 miles in length and there is nearly always the option of a shorter 3 mile walk available
Walking is simple, free and one of the easiest ways to get more active, lose weight and become healthier.
Sometimes overlooked as a form of exercise, walking briskly can help you build stamina, burn excess calories and make your heart healthier.
Always room for new members
Walking in a group is a great way to start walking, make new friends and stay motivated. We always have room for new members.
Contact to join our merry band of walkers.