Kibworth Village Hall says Goodbye
It is with sadness that we say goodbye to our Vice-Chair Sarah Cripps, who is moving away from the village. Sarah has been a very active member of the KVH Committee for over ten years, and has been instrumental in driving forward, and securing grant money for the hall upgrades. She has also been the driving force in re-establishing Burns Night as a staple of the Kibworth Village Hall calendar, re-energizing this event, including arranging the bookings, cooking the food and making sure that the event was a success. The committee will all miss Sarah and thank her for all she has done on our behalf.
Having made recent improvements inside the hall, we are now turning our attention to the front exterior of the hall, with a view to giving it a much-needed makeover, while retaining the character which makes it such an integral part of village life. We hope to have our very popular Film Night back in the autumn, once the nights start drawing in. More news about this and other plans for the hall will follow in due course.
Kibworth Village Hall Committee