Leicester Shire & Rutland Celebrate 70years

Not only is the Queen celebrating her incredible reign of 70 years, but Age UK Leicester Shire & Rutland is also proud to be sharing the royal celebrations with their own Platinum Anniversary. They have a fun packed year of exciting events and activities to match.
Formerly NOPWC
The year when Queen Elizabeth came to the throne, 1952, was also the year that Age UK Leicester Shire & Rutland (formerly National Old People’s Welfare Committee (NOPWC) then Age Concern Leicester 1972 and subsequently Age UK Leicester Shire & Rutland 2010) started to provide exceptional support for local older people living in the city, county and Rutland, and they haven’t stopped since.
Supporting people for 70 years
Not only have they been supporting these people for 70 years, but they have also grown to be the largest independent local Age UK in England. The demand for their services has grown exponentially since 1952 and they are tremendously proud of their achievements, especially during the last 2 years when they’ve been a lifeline for thousands of local older people.
Wide range of services
From home care, dementia support, day centres, carers support, information, and advice through to befriending, they deliver a plethora of services and demand is higher than ever.
Age UK Leicester Shire & Rutland’s Executive Director Tony Donovan said “We are immensely proud of our services, staff and the people of our wonderful city and counties, and with the Queen’s Platinum Anniversary coinciding with our own milestone anniversary makes this the most special of years as we can celebrate the Double Platinum.
Older people in our communities are struggling more than ever, there is real hardship out there, especially with the cost of living and energy prices increasing, the future can seem bleak.
This year will be a great way to highlight our work and reach those people who need us now more than ever while also being able to raise vital funds enabling us to continue serving local older people for the next 70 years+”.
Planning a Platinum Celebration?
If you’re planning a Platinum celebration in 2022, then why not raise some money along the way. Age UK Leicester Shire & Rutland will be launching their year of celebrations throughout 2022 on their website and social media pages (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn) plus you can also request the ‘Age UK Leicester Shire & Rutland’s Mad Hatter 7-Tea Party’ fundraising packs.
For more information or details about Age UK Leicester Shire & Rutland’s Platinum celebrations visit www.ageukleics.org.uk, email fundraising@ageukleics.org.uk or telephone 0116 299 2233