Sustainable Harborough May 22

We are the hope for our planet
Terrible dust storms, famine, drought and horrendous floods – the news of severe weather events is relentless, pointing to the over warming of our planet. Is there hope?
Scientists continue to produce solutions
Yes, scientists continue to produce solutions, cities, towns and villages continue to green their spaces and Sustainable Harborough , ( is growing.
Last year, we took part in The Climate Coalition’s first Great Big Green Week event, with the Kibworth Bookshop display and the children at the Kibworth Methodist Pre-school, displaying their ‘Showing the love hands’ in The Well window plus many events in Harborough.
This year we have more happening, and this is our invitation to you, to take part where you live. We are not just a group for Harborough Town. The villages and farming communities are vital too.
Join the Big Green Week
‘THE GREAT BIG GREEN WEEK IS THE UK’S BIGGEST CELEBRATION OF COMMUNITY ACTION TO TACKLE CLIMATE CHANGE AND PROTECT NATURE. Help us make the 24 September – 2 October 2022 the greatest, biggest, greenest week the UK has ever seen by organising an event in your community.’
Here are some suggestions from last year. There were bat walks and bake offs, festivals and football matches, murals and school assemblies, concerts and traditional craft demonstrations, yarn bombing, and everything in between.
The community decides
These events were hosted by teachers, bus drivers, sport clubs, artists, community groups, places of worship, builders, all helping to raise the profile of climate change, and showing why it is relevant to the community and decision makers. See
The wonderful Kibworth & District Chronicle reaches 29 villages. This year, we hope that you will all catch the vision and take part. Please let Sustainable Harborough Community know so we can include your events in the publicity. We truly are the hope.
If you have any questions, my contact details are 07985 780 204 or
Julie Fagan, volunteer, Sustainable Harborough Community and Eco Church member