Fleckney Spinners

Club goes from strength to strength
Our club goes from strength to strength. Last year we had four teams in the Leicester League, and this year we have five, with several people trying their hand at League play for the first time. All are welcome to join our club, whether playing socially or competitively.
Close games
The opening game against Desford Village 4 was a draw with a very encouraging opener from Dillon Kearney, Jan Green and Jan Nix. Fleckney 5 (Ian Prentice, Jacob Hall and Mike Miles) drew against Andy Haddon, Drew Harbidge and Callum Harbidge of Fleckney 4 in a close game that could have gone either way and was evidence of improved performances, especially from Andy Haddon who played superbly. The Leicester League noted Dillon Kearney’s play and awarded him ‘performance of the week’ at the end of September.
In their division 4 debut, Mike and Pete Wilson together with Steve Reeve, drew against Regent Sports 1 in a series of very close games. Fleckney 3 drew against Regent Sports in the last week of September with Jan Nix, Jan Green and Dillon Kearney meaning that their team remains unbeaten. Against Abbots Road 11 Pete Wilson, Bob Palmer and James Robertson achieved a very creditable draw in their opening game with Pete Wilson playing up and performing admirably. Mike Miles, Mike Wilson and Bob Palmer lost to Winstanley Wizards 2, who are a “top of the table” team, and the Jans and Dillon of Fleckney 3 beat Nomads 3 (a very experienced trio). Nomads 1 beat Eiz Al-Katrib, James Robertson and Nick Wyche in another tough but very close (6/4) match for our first team.
Onwards and upwards Spinners!
Contact Miriam 07890 950087