Burton Overy Christmas Tree Festival
There were 60 individually decorated trees. Those who visited the church voted for their favourite tree in Adult and Children’s section. The winning Adult tree was made by Anne Bloor from Burton Overy and Natalia, from Ukraine.

A bit of background about Natalia & Eduard – from their hosts.
“Natalia travelled with her five-year-old son Eduard from Kyiv, via Warsaw, at the end of July 2022 and are staying with Anne’s daughter in Hallaton. Anne Bloor decided to enter a tree with Natalia in the Burton Overy Christmas Tree Festival.
“They wanted to tell the story of so many Ukranians in the UK this Christmas. They called their tree the ‘Safetree in England’. Natalia and Eduard are one of a number of family units currently staying in this part of Leicestershire. When they first arrived, things were relatively calm at home in Kyiv, but life could only be lived from day to day. Now things are a lot harder in Kyiv and all major cities have only a few hours of power per day. Children are being educated online and many businesses have ceased to exist.
“They are extremely grateful to the whole community in Leicestershire for the welcome they have been given. At the moment the train in their entry is safely glued (literally) on the UK side of their wintery scene, they hope and pray that one day soon it will be able to travel back to a warm, light and free Ukraine.”
There was a heartfelt reaction from those visiting the festival who, by a large margin, voted their ‘Safetree’ the best in the festival.
Second was ‘Her Mages’tree’ by Louisa Rawlings and Zoe Williamson, third was the LGHMU Hat tree by the Crafters of Great Glen. [The hats are to be donated to babies at the Leicester General Hospital Maternity Unit.]
In the Children’s section First was the ‘Lavitree’ by George, Arthur and Charlie Barbour, Second ‘The Sugar Plum Fairy Tree’ by Arabella Pain and Third ‘He’s got the whole world in His hands’ by Sparklers toddler Group, Great Glen.
The festival was a huge success again with profits going to the Salvation Army, St. Andrews Church and Burton Overy Village Hall.

Graham Thompson