Kibworth Art Lovers
Andrew Geeson

On 22 November, the Kibworth Art Lovers were treated to a demonstration by Andrew Geeson, professional artist of over 20 years. Andrew takes tutorials and has produced books and videos sharing his passion for the loose watercolours technique which promotes a more light-hearted approach to painting.
It is especially good for new artists, without the restraints of pre-learned techniques. Within the two hours of the meeting, Andrew completed two different paintings. Emphasizing how quick and effective watercolour painting can be if applied without over- attention to detail. He uses four types of brush and a wide range of colours. The coloured paints are in a pallette of large wells, allowing a generous amount of water for loose application. Andrew is based in Leicester.
Each painting begins with a pencilled structure based on mathematical shapes, and made up of quick dots and dashes. Using the biggest brush possible, colours are applied with plenty of water so that they bleed into each other. This is followed by pockets of detail and negative painting to suggest shapes. In this way, images emerged of flowers in the first painting, and a Venice street scene in the second. Members expressed their appreciation for an inspiring and enjoyable evening.

Next Meeting, Rebecca Wright
Our next meeting will be led by Rebecca Wright, a trained art therapist, who will talk about and demonstrate how art is used in therapy. Visitors welcome.
For more about Kibworth Art Lovers, see:
Jenny Riseborough