Methodist Matters – December 2022
School Road Chapel News

Sunday 18 December @ 10.30am
A ‘Wise’ Man will be leading us in a Nativity from Scratch – A Service for all Ages
Wednesday 21 December – 10.00am/12 noon
Lights of Remembrance – Missing a Relative or Friend this Christmas? Spend a few minutes lighting a candle whilst you remember them.
Thursday 22 December at 7.00pm
Carols by Candlelight– A traditional service of Carols & Readings to start your Christmas.
Christmas Day at 10.30am
Christmas Unwrapped – Join us for a short Family Service for your Christmas Morning.
New Year’s Day at 10.45am
Fed up with the long Christmas Break? Bring the children along to our Market Harborough Church for a special New Year’s Day Service.
What is the Covenant Service?
From early days of Methodism, Methodists have met once a year to renew their relationship with God. The Covenant is a personal relationship, entered into between an individual and God, in which the person agrees to do God’s will; in exchange God promises them new life in Christ.
It is a powerful service and often other Christians in the area feel called to join with the Methodists in this Special Service.
In Kibworth, we are holding our Covenant Service on Sunday 8 January @ 10.30am. If you think that you might wish to renew your own personal Covenant with God, you can ‘Google’ the words of the ‘Methodist Covenant Service’ to see what is involved and are then most welcome to start 2023 with us.
This Month’s Question
Is an Optimist anyone who has a 28lb Turkey for Christmas Dinner and the next day asks ‘What’s for Lunch?’
This Month’s Thought
If no one ever took risks, Michelangelo would have painted the Sistine Floor.
Enquiries: Roger Piper 07941 643809