Would you like to give Table Tennis a try?
Weekly sessions are available.
Fleckney Spinner Table Tennis Club has weekly sessions on Saturday mornings, 11.15am- 12.45pm and coaching every other Tuesday 5.00pm-6.40pm from Level 2 coach, Andy Wright, assisted by a Level 1 coach.
There will be sessions after the break for Christmas from Tuesday 3 January. There are also occasional club nights on Mondays and Wednesdays when our League players are not in action in home games. Upcoming club nights are on Monday 19 December and Wednesday 21 December from 7pm.
Any persons tall enough to see over a table tennis table are welcome to come along and try their hand. In addition, there is a non-club Sports Centre-run session every Thursday morning from 9.30am-11.00am for adults.
Please note that the Sports Centre will be closed from Christmas Day to New Year’s Day inclusive. Do come and give this fun sport a go. Your first session is free; so what’s the worst that could happen?
The following article is the original draft; a shorter version appeared in print.
21 of our members play in the Leicester League, and here are the most recent results:
The Spinners go from strength to strength with a great team performance and first win of the season for Fleckney 4 Andy Haddon and Drew and Callum Harbidge, against Winstanley Wizards 5. Spinners Ian Prentice, Lee Towers and Jacob Hall lost to Knighton Park 13 in some very close games with Jacob Hall, one of our junior players, scoring a highly creditable win against an opponent whom the adults could not trounce.
Lee Towers also made a great start in his first League match. Bob Palmer, Eiz El-Katrib and Nick Wyche of Fleckney 1 scored a very good 8-2 win against Knighton Park 7. Dillon Kearney won all his matches against Knighton Park 12. Mike Miles won one of his and almost won another, and Jan Green beat all three opponents from Knighton Park 12 in a 7-3 away match.
There was a great 8-2 win for Fleckney 4 against Knighton Park 12 with Andy Haddon and the Harbidge brothers on great form.
All these results made quite a change from last year’s season. It was a close thing for Fleckney 5 against Folwell 2, with a loss of 6-4, Jacob Hall again winning two of his matches and a loss of very close and hard fought games for Lee Towers and Mike Miles. Andy Haddon and the Harbidge brothers drew with Knighton Park 13, a good team including a very talented left-hander; so a five all draw was a well-won point. Fleckney 5 drew against Desford 5 in long matches for Jacob Hall, Lee Towers and Callum Harbidge.
There was another good win for Fleckney 1 against Desford 3 with Bob Palmer, Eiz El-Katrib and Nich Wyche on great form. Our second team, Steve Reeve, Rob Bateman and Pete Wilson, lost 8-2 to Knighton Park 11 with very long games and very close results. It was a hard night for our team.
We celebrated with teammate Paul Raven who, with his partner, celebrated the arrival of Jasper, in time for them to celebrate Halloween as a family of three.
It was an unhappy night for Fleckney 4 and a 2-8 loss for teammates Miriam Wohl, Drew Harbidge and Andy Haddon against some very experienced players in Winstanley Wizards 4. Ian Prentice, Mike Miles and Lee Towers won 7-3 against Winstanley Wizards 5, and it was a tough night for Fleckney 3, Dillon Kearney, Drew Harbidge and Jan Nix against a really strong team from Knighton Park 13. Fleckney Spinners 2, Steve Reeve, Mike Wilson and Rob Bateman gained a valuable point against Leicester Electricity 2.
At the beginning of November, the home team of James Robertson, Eiz El-Katrib and Nick Wyche scored a 7-3 victory against Nomads 1 in hard fight, and there was another good win for Fleckney 5 against Regent Sports 2 with Jacob Hall and Mike Miles and Lee Towers scoring 7-3 over the away team.
It was bad luck for the Harbidge brothers and Andy Haddon against Holwell Sports, including two very good players indeed. The Division 5 Fleckney averages are interesting and clearly show how much some of us are improving, in particular Drew Harbidge, Mike Miles and Callum Harbidge.
On ‘9/11’ (our calendar) there was a 6-4 loss to Syston 4 from our Fleckney team with Steve Reeve and Rob Bateman each winning one their matches, and Pete Wilson winning two out of his three. The doubles were a close encounter but eventually Rob and Pete lost in the fifth game.
Fleckney 3 triumphed against Winstanley Wizards 5, with Dillon Kearney winning all his matches. It was good to see Paul Raven winning a match on his debut both as a League player and a proud father, and Jan Nix won 2 of hers with one going all the way to a thrilling 11-8 victory in the fifth game.
Contact Miriam 07890 950087