Mothers’ Union – January 2023

Mothers’ Union met on 5 January at St Wilfrid’s, to share fellowship, support one another in friendship and develop our faith. The talk this month was on Modern-Day slavery

As always there was lively discussion and refreshments.

Jackie Shorley spoke on this subject, as she had been well informed about it as a Safeguarding lead. The idea of what defines slavery, for most of us is historical but it is happening now.

Who are the perpetrators?

Mostly gangmasters recruiting from abroad with promises of a better life.

What’s the reality for the enslaved?

Poor pay and working/ living conditions, coercion, threats of violence, fear and language barriers often prevent them obtaining help.

What are the signs of Modern-day slavery?

Someone else has their documents, they’re prevented from mixing with others (often transported to work in mini buses), not suitably dressed  and malnourished or unkempt

Are there answers?

Guardians have been appointed for trafficked children by Barnardo’s, a helpline with over 200 languages spoken , posters in motorway service stations and remembering that safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility

You are welcome to join us on the first Thursday of each month. Contact Eunice for more information on 0162796154 or email

Elizabeth Scott