Welcome Kitchen Feb 23
Our Warm Space, residency at Kibworth Grammar School Hall at 12noon – 2pm on Monday lunchtime is rapidly coming to an end. This will be the second of the eight-week events. The last date for the Welcome Kitchen will be Monday 27 February. Our friend, Karen Bevan from the Co-op, will be providing a Fair Trade chocolate tasting session, as it is ‘Fair Trade Fortnight’.
You are more than welcome to pop in for a bowl of soup followed by tea or coffee and an opportunity to sample some chocolate from around the world. All the profit will be handed over to The Well at the end of this project. Keep warm.
The Welcome Kitchen team would like to thank Louise Faye. Last week they celebrated 12 months at her new salon based at the Union Wharf. Louise and her team held a raffle and very kindly donated the proceeds from the tickets sold. A total of £65 was donated to the Welcome Kitchen. This will be used towards the rental of the room and ingredients.
The Welcome Kitchen Team.