Kibworth Ladies Choir

Kibworth Ladies Choir January, Chior logo

After our taster sessions in January, we have had lots more ladies join us. We now have a membership of nearly 40 which is great!

For this month’s article, we thought it would be fun to interview a couple of our members who joined us last year. Here’s what Anita and Kully said.

How did you hear about KLC?

Kully – “It was when I bumped into my neighbour, Anita, already a KLC member, that I joined when she took me to a session”.

Anita – “I joined through recommendation by a friend who is currently a member of KLC”.

What made you join the choir?

Kully -I enjoyed singing at school so when my neighbour mentioned she was going, I jumped at the chance.

Anita – My son sings, and he was my inspiration!

Which section of the choir do you sing with?


Anita – I started with mezzo then moved to sopranos once establishing my vocal range.

Have you ever sung in a choir or with a group before?

Kully – Have only sung at school.

Anita – Never!

What’s your favourite song you’ve sung from KLC repertoire to date?

Kully – ‘One Day like this’-Elbow

Anita – ‘Dublin’, The Fury’s

What has been your KLC highlight so far?

Kully – Our October concert. A fantastic opportunity to sing in a beautiful church with great acoustics whilst raising funds for charity

Anita – Singing at the KLC 10 year anniversary concert last year. Learning 12 new songs, some with quite complex arrangements. All sounding in beautiful harmony.

What’s the best thing about being a member of KLC?

Kully -The best things about being a member of KLC is the singing, the ladies and the pub. The singing uplifts me, the ladies support me and the pub quenches my thirst!

Anita – The KLC are very organised , welcoming, offer great support in making you feel at ease to sing.

What are you looking forward to doing with KLC this year?

Kully – The next concert and KLC social events!

Anita – Singing songs from movies and musicals.

Would you recommend joining KLC and why?

Anita – Yes absolutely! Having had no previous singing experience, theres a real joy in giving it a go and relishing a fresh experience. I’ve really enjoyed singing at events, like weddings and Christmas.

If you could sum up KLC in three words what would they be?

Kully – Enjoyable, Fun and Friendly!

Anita – Friendship, de-stress and Joy!

Great feedback from two of our lovely ladies! They talked about our forthcoming concert.

So save the date – Saturday 25 November will be our KLC Concert – A Night at the Movies!

Venue and other details still to be confirmed but watch this space for more details! Last year’s Concert was a great success.

If you would like any more information about the Kibworth Ladies Choir, please email us on

Jo Cole.