Kibworth Grammar School Hall
March was another busy month for the Hall and we had the usual number of regular classes. At the end of the month the Hall was booked out for Main St Theatre and Kibworth Theatre Companies’ joint production of A Bunch of Amateurs. The production played to a very full Hall for three consecutive evenings. Leicester Wildlife Hospital did a table top sale. Additionally, we remain well used for children’s parties.
By the time you read this, the Hall will have held its Annual General Meeting. As well as electing trustees, we will be looking to develop transitional arrangements for the new Kibworth Community Hub. The Hub will see the Kibworth Community Library and KGSH amalgamate into one charitable incorporated organisation.
Applications for funds to develop the new Hub are ongoing. Hopefully, the first part of the project will be given the green light in the not too distant future. This is building the new library on the side of the hall and creating a new covered disabled access ramp.
We appreciate developing the Community Hub is taking longer than we would have liked, but the wait will be well worth it.
Martyn Wyburn
Chair KGSH.