Kibworth Grammar School Hall – June 2023

Kibworth Grammar School Hall

Kibworth Grammar School Hall Trustees held their monthly meeting on 17 May with our main focus on fund raising ideas to meet the ever increasing costs of running the hall. Although the hall has regular bookings and plenty of children’s parties, we are approaching the summer holidays and the annual slowdown of usage. Our brainstorm included a musical Film Night with attendees theme-dressed or maybe an afternoon Tea Dance with delicious homemade cakes.

The hall is an excellent community resource and we would like to hear from you with any fund raising ideas you may have. Of course to turn ideas into an event, we would need volunteers to work with trustees on the advertising and organisation but that is what a Community is all about; working together to make things happen. Please use our email address with your suggestions and thoughts.

We continue to work on the merger of the Kibworth Community Library and the hall and have developed a new Charities Commission Constitution to reflect this. Meanwhile discussions continue with the relevant Council departments in respect of funding for phase one of the new build which would house the library.

Lynn Williams

Vice Chair, KGSH Trustees