News from Smeeton Westerby

Brass on the Grass – 2nd July
As I write this, plans are now in place for our annual ‘Brass on the Grass’ event.
When: Sunday 2nd July
Starting: 6.00pm
Where: The Allotments, Gumley Road, Smeeton.
The Concert, brought to us by the excellent Oddfellows Brass Band, is always one of the highlights of our Smeeton calendar.
We will of course be serving the usual drinks as well as strawberries, cream and ice creams. So do come along, After all what better way to spend a summer’s evening than being outdoors in our lovely village listening to a brass band. All you need is a blanket or chair to sit on. It is a free event! There will be a bucket passed around for donations which will be shared between Dementia UK and The Heart Foundation. Of course, if the weather happened to be against us, we do have the contingency of holding it in the Church!
Church Warden
Speaking of Christ Church, Liz Vickers, our Church Warden has decided, after seven years to step down. She has done an amazing job and we will be forever grateful for all she has done. Liz is a constant in our church so we are delighted that she will remain on the PCC. Thank you Liz for everything.

Family Service
On 11 June, we held our annual outdoor family service at Janet and Gordon Arthur’s house. We started at 9.30am with bacon or sausage ‘butties’ washed down with tea and coffee. The family service, led by Eunice and Gill, got underway at 10am. It was a wonderful event and it was enjoyed by all.
Services in July
In July, we will continue to hold our services in Christ Church.
On the first Sunday of the month, 2nd July, we have our Communion Service. What a busy day that will be!

The second Sunday, 9th July is our Fun Family Express Service. For those of you who know, Eunice, Gill and Megan, I am sure you will appreciate how enjoyable these services are. It is lovely to see both children and adults having such a fun relaxed time, with a very clear Christian message shared.
Then on the third Sunday, 16th July it is our informal Morning Prayer service led by Jacki and Teresa. Everyone is very welcome to join us and, of course, we will be serving refreshments afterwards.
Our Christ Church Pebble Pool
A new feature in the Church is our Pebble Pool. As you enter the building, you will see on the table, a bowl of water and a basket of pebbles. If you wish to pray for yourself, others, an event or maybe someone you have lost, please take a pebble. Holding it, say your prayer and then place it into The Pebble Pool. At each service, the pebbles will be placed on the altar and a prayer said over them. We hope you will find this a very uplifting thing to do.
Please note that there will not be a family service or Morning Prayer in August.
Janet Gilbert