Kibworth Art Lovers’ Autumn

Autumn came to the Kibworth Art Lovers’ October meeting as the subject for the informative demonstration by our visiting artist, Helen Neave.

Inspired by nature and wildlife in its natural habitat, Helen has been painting and sketching both at home and in the field since her childhood in rural North Norfolk, using her art to highlight environmental issues.

During the evening, Helen expertly demonstrated, step by step, the use of watercolour on white, and gouache on black, to create colourful, autumnal images, firstly of a conker in its pod and then of a seasonal landscape. Her lively teaching style and expert presentation makes Helen a firm favourite of the Kibworth Art Lovers. We came away with a number of useful tips for our own painting.

Our next meeting on 28 November will be led by artist Andrew Wynne who will present and demonstrate his unique style of mixed media painting.  Visitors welcome.

Throughout November paintings by Ann Jones are on display at the local branch of the MHBS and, in December KALS will display a collection of Christmas cards made by members.

Jenny Riseborough