Closing Down … The Lighthouse
So long… Farewell… Auf Wiedersehen… Adieu… or,
Arrivederci in Italian!
A decade ago, Firenze went fishing and in our own inimitable enthusiasm and style we launched The Lighthouse. The transition from the elegant Firenze to a jauntier Lighthouse was welcomed and embraced by our fabulous customers and friends.

So here we are again, bidding not only a fond farewell to The Lighthouse, but to the building itself, in the 25th year of our occupancy. Our girls were only four and one when we first moved in, and yes, we really did live upstairs for the first three years. It was a family affair, and both the girls have worked their turn in both restaurants over the years and will be with us on New Year’s Eve as we celebrate our last night of service at The Lighthouse.
We have exchanged contracts on the sale of 9 Station Street and are due to complete early January. It is a relief to be able to be honest and open about it. It is the right time for us do this, but it has been something of a roller coaster -not just the obvious stress of the business process- but emotionally. I often say that the Poli’s life began when we moved to Kibworth in 1999, and it’s not really an exaggeration.
Kibworth? Where to start? Suffice to say that the community welcomed us then with open arms and has continued to support us throughout the good and the bad, the happy and the sad times over these 25 years, and we shall be eternally grateful. Some of our most excellent friendships have been forged, amazing people have worked with us, many staying in touch long after they have moved on, and wonderful customers who have become friends too. What more could we have asked for?
“Thank you, thank you, thank you!”
New Year’s Eve is full, but we still have tables between now and 30 December available, so call to book a festive farewell with us at The Lighthouse. 0116 279 6260
Happily, we are not leaving the village, our lovely home is still here and our other home, Boboli, over the road in Main Street, beckons us to celebrate new beginnings in the New Year. Beautiful Boboli Bouncing its way into 2024!
We shall be extending our opening hours, just to six days a week to start with, and will be launching Big BoboliBreakfasts soon into the New Year as well. There is also the suggestion of incorporating some of The Lighthousefavourite dishes into Boboli menus. We will be sure to keep you in the loop.
Onwards and upwards to new beginnings!
Sarah and Lino Poli