NHS wants to hear from children and young people

Children and young people aged 11 to 25 living in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland, are being encouraged to have a say on their experience of health services. As the local NHS launches its biggest ever engagement with young people.
The Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Integrated Care Board (LLR ICB), working with partners, wants to hear from as many of the 222,000 young people in the area as possible, as well as from families of 11 to 25-year-olds and from staff providing health care services for this age group.
The information collected will help the local NHS understand what is important to children and young people receiving care, their families and the staff who are providing that care. It will also help identify aspects of care which are good and areas where improvements are needed.
The survey is open until Sunday 3 March and is available online at:
People can also:
• Connect via social media: @NHSLLR #WhatYouSaying• Request a paper copy of the questionnaire by calling 0116 295 7572 or emailing: llricb-llr.beinvolved@nhs.net