Our Wonderful Planet

There is hope of saving our wonderful planet
On the 9th of December, all over the world, people will have been taking to the streets to show the fossil fuel industries and their governments that urgent action really is needed now.
Yes, we still need the fossil fuels that we already have on stream while we change to renewables BUT we don’t need more. It’s doubtful that we can burn what is already being produced without causing more significant harm.
Moreover, the weather is now being profoundly affected in our part of the world too. Some farmers were recently saying on BBC’s Farming Today, that this is the worst year in farming they have ever known, with whole fields of crops destroyed.
The Global South
We’re just starting to experience what the Global South has been battling with for years. For some of them, their islands are slowly disappearing in the rising oceans, elsewhere, indigenous people are illegally being pushed off their land to grow more palm oil and crops to feed the ever-increasing numbers of cattle.
So what can we personally do about it? And the answer is ‘loads‘ and you probably are on the carbon reduction journey and making progress too. Well done.
One thing that is very powerful and helpful to the people who are suffering so much in the Global South, is to buy fair trade.
They’ve come a long way from the early days, regarding quality and taste. And we have the added bonus of knowing our purchase is providing clean water, sanitation, education, health care and self-respect. What’s not to like especially at this time of joy and giving!
I’ll leave you with a challenge– discover your carbon footprint, if you haven’t already
See https://footprint.wwf.org.uk/ Then decide what you are going to do to improve it. My challenge is to travel by bus not car to get to Harborough. I’m not doing too well on that one!
Stop Press – There is talk of phasing out fossil fuel production with acknowledgement that it is our only hope to prevent further climate damage.
See https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-67566443
Julie Fagan, volunteer, Sustainable Harborough Community and Eco Church