Meet Your Parish Councillors

Andy Munro

This month Andrew Munro, Chair of Kibworth Beauchamp Parish Council writes.

Born and bred in post-war, austere East London, I do have a fairly tough approach to life. I utilise, as Chair of KBPC, personal experience and a set of administrative and management skills. These have been gained through professional employment as a teacher, community educator and senior LA Education Officer.

I have worked in Kibworth, Market Harborough, challenging parts of Leicester City, Leicestershire and further afield across the East Midlands. I have worked with families and young people in Leicester in order to remove barriers to educational and social inclusion.

Making A Difference

I admit to being quite a driven Chair of KBPC. I try to be purposeful in carrying out my duties with a determination to ensure what we do as a council makes a difference, positively, to our community.

Alongside my professional career I also have a long track record of voluntary sector engagement. As a school governor, Vice Chair of a locally based national Charity, and, over the last 12 years, a parish councillor in Kibworth.

Having lived in Kibworth for over 50 years and, although now a retiree, I try to keep an active and enquiring mind. Registering political and social awareness, combined with sensitivity and the ability to take hard decisions when necessary. I am acutely aware of the changing socio-economic status of our growing community. Kibworth is no longer the predominately affluent setting it used to be. I also acknowledge that we have an expanding number of older residents living cheek by jowl with new families with young children facing a cost-of-living crisis.

I do not respond to sneering and belligerent social media criticism of our work, made by often ignorant keyboard warriors. Prefering to talk to concerned residents face-to-face or through proper channels of communication. I do however use the internet for information gathering and measured conversation.

As well as my Parish Councillor responsibilities, I find time to indulge my passion for Classic British Sports Cars. I read a lot and try to keep abreast of local and national agendas. I try to be approachable whilst sometimes seeking compromise when differences of opinion prevail although I always speak up and communicate assertively when required. With acquired wisdom, tact and diplomacy, I try to maintain a sense of humour. & I do not, now, take myself too seriously.