Building for the future

Scouts - 1st Kibworth

The young people have been busy this term, making the most of the great British weather both sunshine and, of course, rain!

You’ll have likely seen us around the village taking part in various nature and orienteering challenges. We held a group camp with our new ‘Squirrels’ (four to six year olds) visiting their first camp. Next weekend our scouts are taking part in the Frasier Shield, said to be the world’s oldest camping competition, which will test their skills with a weekend of totally independent camping and activities. We wish our two competing patrols the best of luck.

Welcome to Jon Oust

We would like to welcome our new group chair Jon Owst, who’s already made a great start in organising our team. And importantly before we finish for the summer, a huge thank you to our amazing team of volunteers for all your hard work! We hope you have a fabulous and well-earned break.

Exciting News

As we all know the new Grammar School railway footbridge has now been opened and the temporary bridge removed from the land to the north of the railway line.

We are lucky enough to be able to take ownership of this land from the owners to whom we are eternally grateful.

Our Group meet weekly at the scout hut and due to the numbers, half our group meet in a variety of other venues around the village.

New Purpose Built Facility!

On the land, we hope to provide the community with a new purpose-built facility that can expand the available space and increase the activities we offer. This will help increase the number of places we can offer and hopefully clear our waiting list which is still 65 children.

We are now in consultation with Amco/Network Rail and members of the community, including neighbouring properties, as we progress the project. 

Over the coming months, we hope to work on the land, replanting some of the greenery that has been removed with the bridge replacement.

We’re members of our community trying to create something amazing for Kibworth. We look forward to your support and welcome any help you can provide to help us achieve this for the young people and the village.

Please drop us an email if you have any questions or if you can offer any help or services.

Thank you 

1st Kibworth Scout Group