Joel has a dream…..

Joel Dixon-Coen is 14 years old and a new resident of Kibworth. He has a dream, to become a Formula 1 racing driver. And not only that, he has been tipped by several people working within F1 to have what it takes, both on and off the track.

With an ex-Formula woman racing driver as a mum (Kibworth Chiropractor, Tracy Dixon), it was inevitable that Joel would one day be behind the wheel himself. Especially as Tracy began teaching him the racing lines with his toy cars when he was just two! By the time he was nine, the motorsports bug had well and truly taken hold. Joel went on to win all four karting championships that he entered that year!

He has then gone from strength to strength. From 2020 to 2022 he was racing under the umbrella of renowned Formula 1 engineer Rob Smedley who set up an electric karting championship. Here Joel really started to hone his racing skills. He became the first electric karting double champion, winning back to back seasons. Smedley, the former Ferrari engineer, highlighted Joel as a:

“true sportsman who oozes confidence and self-belief, is fiercely competitive but also polite, well-mannered and an extremely popular member of the paddock, a balance which will serve him well”.


It was during his time with Smedley that Joel was talent-spotted by Ivor Bourne, former driver support to Lewis Hamilton. Ivor wrote in a testimonial that Joel is one of the few drivers to make an impression. He added that having worked with many world champions, he instinctively knows when an individual has what it takes. And this he saw in Joel. So plenty of high praise indeed.

Two recognition awards already under his belt and six championship wins and over 120 podium finishes. Joel is looking to further progress as a driver and is now racing in two high profile petrol championships. Despite this being a fiercely competitive area, Joel is already a race winner. He is currently sitting second in one championship and fourth in the other.


As with many other talented drivers, the biggest hurdle he has is funding. Which is why he has set up a Go Fund Me page to try and help raise the funds needed to complete his 2024 campaign. He also has a very comprehensive sponsorship package, including corporate wellbeing offered by his chiropractor mother!

If you feel you can help in any way, please contact, search Joel Dixon Racing on social media, or visit his Go Fund Me page at