Kibworth Beauchamp Parish Council

The Parish Council’s Annual public meeting was held on 21 May, with the monthly public meeting on 28 May, both in the Studio at the Kibworth Community Hub.

Annual Meeting

Mr Andrew Munro was re-elected Chairman and Mrs Pat Copson was re-elected Vice-chairman. Representatives on the two joint boards and other organisations were agreed.


All financial statements, reconciliations and payments were approved.


The Chairman in giving his annual report, commented that it had been a remarkable year of achievement. He thanked councillors and staff who had contributed to making our village a desirable place to live.

Clerk’s Report

All staff have now received first aid at work training. The D-Day 80 flag will be raised on 6 June. Resolved to consider holding a VE-Day 80 celebration event on 8 May 2025 with Kibworth Scouts. All are invited to the Community Market Place event on 2 July at KCH being run by the Local Area Coordinators.


Resolved to spend £1,950 to replace the chicane with a twin leaf gate at end of B1 path at entrance to Warwick Park. Also resolved to spend £610 to have stonemasons install a plinth for the sundial for the Queen’s Walk on Smeeton Road Park.

UK Shared Prosperity Funding

Resolved to approve £860 to restore the roundabout lights and base. Also resolved to pay £4,690 for a new double sided carved village sign to be placed on the roundabout.

Kibworth Community Hub

Tenders have been issued to four builders. Outstanding payments to architects and engineers were approved.


Resolved to purchase six traffic monitors and a year’s subscription.

Monthly meeting on 28 May


It was resolved to approve documents relating to the 2023-24 AGAR so that all can be sent to the external auditor, including the breakdown of reserves and explanation of variances.

Youth provision

A representative explained the work at The Well by the Harborough Children & Youth Charity (HCYC). It was resolved to approve a donation of £1,150, to be shared with KHPC.


24/00377/FUL 10 Station Street. It was resolved to continue objecting as no plans have been provided to show six parking spaces are possible.


Dr Feltham reported that LCC updates on the Local Transport Plan and the Strategic Growth Options had been published. The Kibworth tip will be opening on four days a week (Sunday to Wednesday) from the autumn.


No report.

Joint Recreation

Wildflower seeds have been sown on Warwick Park in an area that is always damp; some trees will be planted in the autumn.

Smeeton Road Park

The plaques for the 25 trees have been ordered. Bird, hedgehog, and bug boxes will be installed when ready.

Joint Burial Board

The clerks are attending Cemeteries Maintenance Training.


It was resolved to approve the Lone Working Policy, the Expenses policy, and the Annual Investment strategy.

Next Public Meeting

The next monthly public meetings are at 7pm on 25 June, 23 July (extra) and 27 August and will be reported in due course.

For the latest news and information please follow us on Facebook, X and our website:

Maria Smith
