Kibworth Harcourt Parish Council

Annual Meeting

The Annual Parish Council meeting was held on 7 May, and the most recent public meeting was on 4 June, both in the Studio at the Kibworth Community Hub.

Kevin Feltham was re-elected Chairman of the Parish Council for the year 2024/25. John Tillotson was re-elected as Vice-Chairman. Representatives on the two joint boards and other organisations were agreed.

Cllr Feltham said there were no updates on ownership or responsibility for the amenity land of Marriott Drive. He also said the application for 3 houses at 14 Leicester Road had been withdrawn.


The loose manhole cover on the A6 near the Coach & Horses has been reported and is the responsibility of Anglian Water to resolve.


No report.

Joint Recreation Board

Two backless benches and a litter bin are being sorted for the Skatepark. Quotes are being sought for a twin leaf gate to replace the chicane at the end of the B1 path before the School Road bridge.

A new play tower and new surfacing have been installed in Jubilee Green.

Joint Burial Board

The Clerks are attending a cemetery maintenance course in June and will ask about repairs to old memorials and graves.

Village Hall

The next film night starting at 6.30 pm on 15 June is Oppenheimer.


A seed/plant swap was held on 7 April. There is a currently an allotment waiting list.

Grammar School Hall/Community Hub

Grants from Platform Housing and the National Lottery have been received. Tenders for the new library extension were issued in May with quotes due in early June.

Police and Crime

Rupert Matthews was re-elected as Police & Crime Commissioner.

Community Speed Watch and MVAS update

After discussion, councillors agreed to provide a copy of the raw data to a resident for review. The two MVAS on Main Street and Albert Street have been working but there is a current issue with the length of time before the batteries need recharging, so the manufacturers have been asked to advise.


An updated version was agreed for Health & Safety.

Finances & Administration

All financial statements, reconciliations, summaries, and payments were approved., including an updated Memorandum of Understanding between the two parish councils.

Clerk’s Report

Wildflower seeds have been sown on the small roundabout on Wistow Road. The website is due to be updated for free by Cuttlefish in October.

Monthly meeting 4 June

Dr Feltham updated members that Kibworth Beauchamp has ordered six Telraam sensor devices. He was also aware a possible pop-up coffee shop is being planned for the pavement outside Minariks on a Sunday.

The County Council is proposing new Sunday to Wednesday opening days for the Kibworth tip from the autumn.

Joint Recreation Board

The Skatepark spoil piles have been removed but deep ridges now need sorting. The abandoned car on Barnards Way car park has been removed. The end poles of the zip wire are being checked.

Finances & Administration

All financial statements, reconciliations, summaries, and payments were approved, including an agreement for the part-time groundsman to work an extra five hours a week.

Next Public Meeting

The next public meeting is the Annual Parish Walkabout on 2 July starting from Jubilee Green at 7 pm.

Our 7 pm monthly meetings are open to the public so why not come along to meet all our councillors and see what we do?

Please visit our website for more information about us at

If you would like to get involved or let us know of any community news about up-and-coming events, then please contact the Clerk.

Sara Barrett (