Last Minute Theatre – June ’24

What a success, yet again, LMT’s Quizaret was. With ten teams competing, it was ‘heads down’ for the table quizzes before ‘curtain up’ at 7.30 for the start of the Cabaret.

There was an eclectic mix of songs, sketches and a monologue between quiz sections. All MC’d by Tim who described the night as: “An evening of cabaret for people who don’t like quizzes – or a quiz for people who don’t like cabaret!

Competition was hot with ‘The Piglets’ taking an early lead but ending up as the Booby Prize winners. (Many a slip ‘twixt cup and lip)!

Following the interval, Tim introduced the sketch ‘Fanny and Flo’ with: “There’s a tradition within theatre which suggests that the more dire the final rehearsal, the better the performance. Well, after last night, we are expecting a BAFTA award-winning performance.”

That’ll teach me to learn and secure my lines early and not defer to ‘Last Minute’ Theatre’s name!

As the quiz progressed, the field was open for much of the race. It narrowed on the final furlong when ‘Team Pink Pen’ (same team, same name each year!) reached the winning post followed very closely by ‘Temporary Traffic Lights on the A6’. Now that name invites a whole can of worms to be opened and featured in a future article in the Kibworth Chronicle!

Have a great summer.

Mary (Orton) on behalf of Last Minute Theatre

PS A BAFTA performance was delivered!