Ronnie Scott ‘Hits’ Kibworth

Tiny Capers Jazz Band

The ‘Tiny Capers’ jazz group played in St Wilfrids Church Hall on Saturday 1 June to a packed audience. Brian Humpherson directed from the keyboard, with Martin Slipp on bass, Rob Stutchbury on sax, Matt Lacey on drums and Lisa Millett on vocals.

The audience were blown away by their expertise and musicianship. No one dropped a note playing some of the jazz standards not often heard!

This event was organised by The Friends of St Wilfrids. Cream teas, (with homemade scones to die for), real Cornish clotted cream and strawberry jam, were provided by the ladies of the church.

We haven’t balanced the books yet but the money raised will help to repair the church and stop the rain from getting in. A huge thank you to all those who relentlessly support the work of The Friends, whose goal is to maintain the church building.

You can always give by standing order each month. If you would like to, please contact Ann Flower on 07540719298.

Watch out for the 2025 event, which for a change, might be an afternoon event rather than in the evening.

Anne Flower