Rotary Club Charity Golf Day – June 2024

Our Annual Charity Golf Day took place on Friday 7 June at the Kibworth Golf Club. 20 Teams entered, many returning, year after year, to support this event.

Around 1o’clock the teams set off for a shot gun start. The weather was kind and they all returned to the club house for a buffet and prize giving, some having enjoyed good golf and some just a good walk!
Congratulations to the winning team, who was captained by Tom Nimmo, and it was at least their third win in this competition.

The charity this year was Prostaid, a local charity supporting people living with prostate cancer.

Rob Banner, one of the founders and trustees of the charity, gave a short talk about the importance of being aware of the early symptoms of prostate cancer and the mostly positive outcome, if treated early. A fantastic sum, in the region of £2800, was raised.

Thanks to Simon Nickson and Stephen Pitchers for organising the event and Kibworth Golf Club for providing the venue. The Rotary Club are also grateful to the sponsors and particularly to the returning teams without whom there would be no event. Hopefully we will see them all again next year. Thanks also to Richard Ward for being the official photographer who snapped over 500 shots as the teams went round.

Graham Thompson