Foxton Primary School Gets an Award

Foxton Primary School has been awarded the SuperKind Social Impact Schools Award for the East Midlands region.

Among dozens of participating schools, Foxton Primary achieved the highest badge-to-student ratio, highlighting the exceptional commitment of its children to social action and community service.

The award is a testament to the dedication of Foxton’s students, staff and parents, who have all worked tirelessly to make a positive impact within our local community.

The SuperKind Social Impact Schools Award recognises schools across the UK that demonstrate outstanding efforts in promoting social responsibility, kindness, and community involvement.

Headteacher George Norman expressed his delight at the achievement: “We are over the moon to have received this recognition from SuperKind. This award reflects the collective effort of our entire school community, and we couldn’t be prouder of our children for their dedication to making a difference. Linked to our curriculum and focus on the UN Sustainable Development Goals, the last twelve months have been full of kind actions, raising money for fantastic causes, volunteering, organising events, and encouraging others to make small changes in their lives that will collectively make a huge difference to the environment and our community. I’m excited to build on this success and continue our commitment to social action in the coming years.

To arrange a school tour for mid-year or September 2025 admissions, please contact the office on 01858 545328.

Mr G Norman, Headteacher

From the Foxton Folio