Kibworth & Fleckney Rotary Club


Richard Darke, Kibworth & Fleckney Rotary Club’s founder president, would have approved of the young people who received his award this year. This award was set up in memory of Richard. It is given to outstanding pupils in the local primary schools and the Kibworth Mead Academy. Not always the best achiever academically, it is given to the students who have had the greatest all round positive impact on their school, their fellow pupils or wider community, during their time there. Rotarian Michael Pearce, who organises the award each year, says that all the schools very much value the award.

Richard Darke Awardees

Below are extracts from teacher’s comments about these outstanding students.

Sophie Carter- Kibworth Mead Academy

Comment about Sophie as a Drama Student- “(Sophie) never settled with just enough, she always aimed higher”- “Sophies talent (and sense of humour) will take her wherever she decides to go in the future”-“Her drama teachers are so proud to have been a small part of an exciting journey.”

Jack Anderson-Kibworth Primary School

an exemplary and invaluable member of the school community. Jack has let his light shine in his time with us and has been a credit to the school. We have no doubt that whatever he pursues in his life, he will do it with passion and integrity. Well done Jack you really are a star.”

Imogen Brooker- Fleckney Primary School

Described by her teacher “a brilliant student”- “mature sensible and kind”-“Outside of the classroom, this person embodies Fleckney School values with their impeccable behaviour, setting a great example to others, and a fantastic ambassador for our school.”

Charlotte Cleary & Elodie Burchnall (joint winners)– Church Langton Primary School

Charlotte and Elodie arranged and catered for 50 people at an afternoon charity tea party in Thorpe Langton, in the summer holidays-“They arranged and baked for the event themselves”- “they raised £1350 for Cancer Research UK”-“Their charitable nature extends to helping younger children, assisting teachers and looking out for their peers”- “Both girls show an exemplary attitude in school and display our school values in abundance.”

Graham Thompson