Land Usage and Community Orchards – letter
Dear Editor
Community Orchards
In your column ‘What’s Going On?’ in the last copy of the Kibworth Chronicle there was an article about Land Usage and Community Orchards and a picture showing the green at the top of Meadowbrook Road. I think this is a fantastic idea. Six months ago I contacted the Kibworth Beauchamp {Parish} Clerk to see if this was possible. I was told there was no grass there. I informed her that there was as I could see it from my window. She said well Kibworth council doesn’t own it, try the Leicester City Council which I did. They said they don’t own it either. So, who owns it? I don’t know. Somebody must as the grass is cut now and again. I for one would love to get involved in making it a Community Orchard. Many people see it as a dumping ground to park their cars and vans on.
Deborah Stephens