Kibworth Harcourt Parish Council – December 2024

The monthly parish council meeting was held on 5 November at 7pm in the Studio at the Kibworth Community Hub.
A resident had asked for an agenda item about the Vehicle Activated Signs on Main Street and Albert Street. He had also asked for an item on A6/Traffic to be a permanent item on the agenda, but councillors felt existing agenda items, including the Police & Crime item, would suffice.
Chairman – Cllr Feltham updated council on rollout of the KBPC six Telraam devices which include one on the A6 which recorded 152,796 vehicles in the first week. The Kibworth network can be found at The data will be analysed to support a business case to be sent to LCC.
HDC – District Councillors have been informed of the timescale of the new Local Plan. It is due to be released for Regulation 19 public consultation on 16 January 2025. Joint Recreation Board – Two benches and a litter bin have been installed in the skatepark.
An application is being submitted for funds for six interpretation boards for most of the parks from the HDC Rural Arts, Creative, Cultural, and Heritage Grant.
Joint Burial Board – The next meeting using MS Teams is on 13 November.
Village Hall. The film at 7:30 pm on 7 December is “Wonka”.
Kibworth Allotments. Due to several members retiring in 2024/25 and new plots being created, the waiting list has been reduced. Residents interested in obtaining a plot should contact
Grammar School Hall/Community Hub – The library extension construction is progressing well with the roof now being fitted; due to unexpected drainage issues, the finishing date is delayed to the end of January. The recent Art Fair was successful and raised £1,300.
Police & Crime. The A6 through Kibworth Harcourt is to be a Community Concern site and police speed camera vans will be checking speeds in part of the 30mph area for the next 12-18 months.
Planning – 24/01284/SCR HDC have confirmed the solar farm to be located on Wistow Road does not require an environmental impact assessment when the full application is made.
MVAS on Main & Albert Streets – These have been extremely disappointing with battery and other problems affecting performance. The grounds team have reconfigured them according to instructions and once they have been fully operational for a few weeks, we can start collecting speed data.
Joint Board’s Expenditure. It was resolved to approve Jones Loggingto carry out tree works for the cemetery (£3,840) and Jubilee Green (£2,760).
£1m HDC Community Grant Fund – A meeting was held between the Scouts and some parish councillors to review the list of parish priorities and to refine the Scouts’ list. As a result, the Scouts will submit a reduced list which has the support of the parish council.
Finances & Administration – All financial statements, reconciliations, summaries, and payments were approved.
Councillor reports. The three lamps on the railway bridge and up B1 footpath that are not working will be reported.
Clerk’s report – The grounds team recommend a new notice board for Dairy Way.
The next two public meetings are on 3 December and 7 January in the Studio at Kibworth Community Hub at 7pm.
Our monthly meetings are open to the public so why not come along to meet all our councillors and see what we do?
Please visit our website for more information about us at
If you would like to get involved or let us know of any community news about upcoming events, then please contact the Parish Council.
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
Sara Barrett (