Methodist Matters

Methodist church

Christmas/New Year Services

Sunday 22 December @ 4pm

Carols by Candlelight will be led by Rev Andy Murphy. This is being held in the afternoon this year to enable all ages to participate. This replaces our 10.30am service.

Christmas Day @ 10.30am

‘It’s his Birthday’ is a short Family Service with Carols and no Sermon which will be led by Roger Piper. New born babies and other children are most welcome.

Sunday 29 December @ 10.30am

Family Service (shared between Kibworth, MH and Rothwell) will be held at Market Harborough (LE16 9HE) and will be led by Claire Pickering (see below). There will be no service at Kibworth.

Sunday 5 January 2025 @ 10.30am

Annual Covenant Service will be led by

Rev Andy Murphy.

Kibworth Methodist Church News

Mike Milward has been our Church Organist for 57 years and retires from that role at our Carol Service on 22 December. We will give thanks for his many years of leading worship during that Service.

Chris Wigley takes over as our Organist and Pianist on Christmas Day. We look forward to her 57 years of service!!

Claire Pickering has been appointed as Kibworth, Market Harborough and Rothwell’s Church and Community Chaplain, working alongside Rev Andy Murphy. She lives in Kettering and can be found most Thursday mornings in ‘The Well’ if you wish to speak to her regarding any Pastoral Matters.

Rev Andy Murphy will not be available during the period March to May 2025. Every seven years Methodist Ministers are granted a three-month Sabbatical away from their normal duties for Rest, Refreshment and Study. During his absence, anyone requiring the services of a Minister should speak to Claire Pickering or one of our Church Stewards. 

Sabbaticals Politicians already have a sabbatical system. It’s called Opposition, and I’ve had enough of it.” – Nigel Lawson       (Ex-Conservative MP and Chancellor)

Enquiries: Roger Piper 07941 643809