An Alternative View On Climate Change?

Dear Editor

An Alternative View On Climate Change

Before you get your heckles up, I am not about to deny Climate Change. Quite the opposite, my point is that climate has always changed, continuously, since the planet was formed 4.5 billion years ago.

In ancient times, when the Romans were in Britain, it was warm enough for them to grow their vines. A mere 250 years ago there was a mini ice age when the Thames froze over for weeks enabling Londoners to hold fairs on the river. I don’t think we would want to be back in those times. Think of your heating bills for a start.

I am more worried about the threat of AI, the threat of nuclear war and if the super-volcano under Yellowstone Park goes off, it will make a 1.5˚C increase in temperature seem like a walk in the park. Something you can enjoy when its warm. History tells us there has always been storms, fires and floods and always will be. We hear about it more now because of modern global communications and the hysterical nature of our media. We are small country (still with delusions of grandeur) who produce less than 1% of global emissions. Until China, Russia and India take it seriously, which they won’t, all Net Zero will do is make us poor, cold and more vulnerable to countries who mean us harm both economically and militarily.

So, stop worrying, say no to Net Zero, and get on with enjoying your life.

Steve Needham